Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 1, 2011 Book 1

So here we are for day one. My goal is for the next year to read 100 books. I will read each book, then review it on this blog. The books must be at least 9 chapters in length and not be qualified as a children's book. Teen and up. I will try not to re-read any books I have already read.
I have a few books all ready picked out to start with but I am always open for suggestions. 

So to start off with my first book that I will be reading is The secret history of the Geisha: Women of the pleasure quarters. 

This is the description from Amazon:
Ever since Westerners arrived in Japan, they have been intrigued by Japanese womanhood and, above all, by geisha. This fascination has spawned a wealth of extraordinary fictional creations, from Puccini's Madame Butterfly to Arthur Golden's Memoirs of a Geisha. But as denizens of a world defined by silence and mystery, real geisha are notoriously difficult to meet and even to find. As a result, their history has long been cloaked in secrecy. 

It should on take me a few days to read this one, so hopefully I will have my review up soon!